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- muma2018: The International Criminal Court should not Respond Politically to South Africa’s Declaration of Intent to Withdraw from the Court If the International Criminal Court responds politically and negotiates with South Africa on the obligation to arrest, the Court will further threaten its credibility and set a negative precedent of political negotiations. In the past few weeks three countries have declared their intent to withdraw from the... (more)
- magli: Do African ICC Parties Wish to Withdraw from the ICC? Let Them Leave! The purported withdrawal of a small number of African states from the ICC has created a rather unacceptably high degree of hype, which obscures the undeniable positive developments that the international criminal justice has achieved. International criminal justice is a project, which, for better or for worse, has been principally... (more)
- kbanafshe: What are the Consequences of Withdrawing from the International Criminal Court? In the past decade millions of African lives have been lost; this is due to a series of gross genocidal campaigns and humanitarian crimes that have swiftly taken place across the nation. The integral role of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is to administer justice, punish perpetrators of crimes and deter future atrocities from taking place. That being said a number of critics... (more)
- isaac.brown: The Registry Should Focus Outreach Efforts on States Parties at Risk for Withdrawal from the Rome Statute The Assembly of States Parties should provide more funding to the Registry for its outreach function. The registry should expand its operations beyond situation states to states parties seen as a risk for withdrawal. This outreach strategy should focus on States where the governments are sufficiently democratically accountable for public... (more)
- Katelyn_Rowe: The ICC Should Investigate More Non-African Countries to Dissuade Other African Withdrawals Summary In order to dissuade additional African countries from withdrawing from the International Criminal Court, the Office of the Prosecutor should open more investigations in non-African countries, particularly Colombia, because this may counter the current geopolitical bias narrative that Burundi has used to justify its... (more)
- Shirin.Tavakoli: Traditional Justice Mechanisms Can Satisfy Complementarity Summary The recent decision by the governments of South Africa, Brundi, and Gambia to leave the International Criminal Court (“ICC” or the “Court”) has created various reactions from the international community. One main reason that these countries’ notice to withdraw is significant is the fear that other African nations will soon follow their footsteps and... (more)
- emrenslo: Sanctions as a Penalty for Withdrawing from the ICC Summary Targeted sanctions should be imposed by states parties of the ICC on the leaders of Burundi and Gambia, and not ruled out against South Africa, as a result of these countries announcing their intent to withdraw from the ICC. Argument In recent weeks, the governments of the Republic of Burundi, the... (more)
- Mehrunisa Ranjh: Diplomacy as a Response to ICC Withdrawals Summary The International Criminal Court (ICC) should deploy a strategy of radical diplomacy in response to the recent withdrawal from the court of South Africa, Burundi, and the Gambia, before taking any action that could potentially compromise the integrity, independence, or enforcement power of the court. Argument South Africa, Burundi, and the... (more)
- taylmer: From what I have noticed, African nations are seeing crimes against humanity being committed by Western countries, with little being done to show accountability. African nations believe they are being targeted, and by many accounts that's exactly what has happened. African nations appear easy to target. Western nations appear much harder, due to their legal systems still being intact. One example is that of Australia. Asylum seekers and refugees are being tortured in detention centres, with... (more)
- Terminusbound: I Support the Withdrawal. The logic that underpins the African states decision to withdraw from the ICC is not that the ICC is a racist institution. The Logic addresses the basic problem that the ICC is a impotent outside of the context of third world states. It is not that the ICC only wants to prosecute Africans, it is that the ICC can only prosecute Africans. The ICC has no power to prosecute living European war criminals or American war criminals. The ICC has no power to prosecute living... (more)
Comment on the Withdrawal Question: “In recent weeks, the governments of the Republic of Burundi, the Republic of South Africa, and the Islamic Republic of the Gambia have announced their intention to withdraw from the ICC. How will this affect the emerging system of international criminal justice in the short and long term? What steps might be taken to strengthen that project?”
I admire the Prosecutors' forethought to question the various effects on all nations, on all people and itself first as the protector of those two. The predicament of disabled law-enforcement and ill-equipped duty of sole protector of human rights is not the fault of the ICC, caused by or perpetuated by the OTP, rather they are the leaders out of the situation, the solution, the irminsul - the mechanism.
A recent discovery of Euro-African-Asian-American archives describes how the ICC was originally dis-empowered and detached from independent mainline funding, eminent rule and eminent power. As those items are restored, the ICC becomes everything our forefathers intended for our protection worldwide. When that happens the prosecutors/judges can move in any direction, at any length to establish justice and enable peace. This is to say aggressive popular voting to control hereditary properties and rights may draw the attention of the Prosecutors as well. The Prosecutor may skip the (beguiled) actors, and focus on underlying criminal behavior and subversive factors.
In example, few people realize Gambia is the east landing of the real AT&T Transatlantic Cable, which is a target of the international crime syndicate since it was laid 1848. Gambia's rights are granted by the Prussian's (pre-Russia orthodox man 1500 bc) who laid the cable under Privilegium Maius with the responsibility to guard that connection, which is now more important than Constantinople ever was. President Jammeh has quietly protected that port when every cable to the west landing has been stolen and corrupted. And Alpha Diallo, the only AT&T Global Network Engineer in the world was born there in Gambia and educated in that land. Alpha built several “total” energy systems for his village, completed higher education college there and was a full time engineer for NASA at age 14, which lasted 20-years while he taught at Embry Riddle Aeronautic Institute and obtained multiple degrees in engineering – this to give you an idea of the endeavor under consideration and potential for criminal targeting and inhumane encroachments.
Likewise, the public policy makers and private sector rule makers in the world have a valid claim to legitimate commerce and economic growth, and/or economic repair revenue from the area investment (hallmark, coin rack, municipality).
Business logic tells us a conflict of “economic rights” in a coin rack with no local solution has to be caused by a crime elsewhere with a common connection. It will be the Prosecutor that track down the principal offenders and Prosecutors will recover that economy ending the conflict with a substantial economic gain under the orthodox rule of law. Orthodox means order-of-the-ox = rule of Ephraim.
I view the effect of the statements of intent to disavow as a golden opportunity for the ICC to find justice, entrench permanent solutions for world economic problems and cut the head off the international crime syndicate while substantiating it's supreme existence (www.amicc.org) and sustaining the ICC's future by 1) recovering it's original commission from the coin racks, and 2) crime solving fees in trillions; thus ending it's dependency for funding and establishing eminent jurisdiction, rule and eminent power.
The built-in protection of placing ultimate control on world affairs in the court is every person on earth maintains legitimate control over the court by immediate claim online, telephone, or mail.