Victims Lecture Question
Assuming that the ICC chooses to retain victim participation in its processes, how can victims’ representation at the ICC be improved and victims’ rights be protected?
Comment on the Victims Lecture Question: “Assuming that the ICC chooses to retain victim participation in its processes, how can victims’ representation at the ICC be improved and victims’ rights be protected?”
Assuming that a Court exists for alleged War crimes and Judicially real- Victims [MUST] exist. For victims to exist there [must] be a degree of participation. Victims do not have rights, victims having their rights violated when existing previously provides the Court with Jurisdiction and That Court with Authority within their administrations.
Victims right protection exists prior being violated [proven to not exist]. Example: Docket 16883, General list no. 143 Order of February 3rd, 1012....The courts erred fundamentally the ruling is flawed- Greeks, nor Italians presented at time of war and being occupied by Germany any guarantee while committing war crimes to have immunity whatever wrote. The jurisdiction Of the Italian Courts, German Courts, and Greek Courts do not exist at all material times to be effective at time the offenses are committed, Germany exercised Judicial discretion at all material times on all three lands and has Jurisdiction on all three lands when occupying the three territories in dispute during times Germany carried Judicial authority. the orders made by the independent Greek and Italian Court is an appeal process from Germany decision to commit war crimes and would be enforceable on Germany as well inclusive at times Germany decision is reviewed and appealed as an act of Legal Repair, Germany did not lose jurisdiction/responsibility solely as result of moving back to the lands originally seized on earth, and the Greeks with Italians had interventions for that too.
The victims are being forgotten, and the Courts are reading to much non existent material facts as if language changes. and words create facts as result of International as if Laws, being applied inconsistently and with prejudice excuses forming.
Vicitms are the source of the courts jurisdiction and authorities. even if scope of communication is limited with victims, the victims are real..the court exists from paper to exist. same as any state partie that formed the court. and are not victim.
Comment on the Victims Lecture Question: “Assuming that the ICC chooses to retain victim participation in its processes, how can victims’ representation at the ICC be improved and victims’ rights be protected?”
Assuming that a Court exists for alleged War crimes and Judicially real- Victims [MUST] exist. For victims to exist there [must] be a degree of participation. Victims do not have rights, victims having their rights violated when existing previously provides the Court with Jurisdiction and That Court with Authority within their administrations.
Victims right protection exists prior being violated [proven to not exist]. Example: Docket 16883, General list no. 143 Order of February 3rd, 1012....The courts erred fundamentally the ruling is flawed- Greeks, nor Italians presented at time of war and being occupied by Germany any guarantee while committing war crimes to have immunity whatever wrote. The jurisdiction Of the Italian Courts, German Courts, and Greek Courts do not exist at all material times to be effective at time the offenses are committed, Germany exercised Judicial discretion at all material times on all three lands and has Jurisdiction on all three lands when occupying the three territories in dispute during times Germany carried Judicial authority. the orders made by the independent Greek and Italian Court is an appeal process from Germany decision to commit war crimes and would be enforceable on Germany as well inclusive at times Germany decision is reviewed and appealed as an act of Legal Repair, Germany did not lose jurisdiction/responsibility solely as result of moving back to the lands originally seized on earth, and the Greeks with Italians had interventions for that too.
The victims are being forgotten, and the Courts are reading to much non existent material facts as if language changes. and words create facts as result of International as if Laws, being applied inconsistently and with prejudice excuses forming.
Vicitms are the source of the courts jurisdiction and authorities. even if scope of communication is limited with victims, the victims are real..the court exists from paper to exist. same as any state partie that formed the court. and are not victim.