Profile of Invited Expert “Costello”

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Full Name
Róisín Á Costello, LL.B., M.A., LL.M.
Assistant Lecturer
Maynooth University

Róisín Costello holds a first class honours degree in Law from Trinity College Dublin and Masters degrees with distinction in International Affairs, and Law from the Institut d’études politiques de Paris and Georgetown Law. Róisín is currently completing her doctoral work in the School of Law at Trinity where her research examines standard setting by non-state actors in the digital environment. Her doctoral work is funded by the Irish Research Council and her research has been presented at Cambridge University and the Oxford Internet Institute and has been published in the European Human Rights Law Review; the Cambridge International Law Journal; and the Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. Róisín is currently an Assistant Lecturer in Media and IT Law at Maynooth University and has been a contributor to the World Bank Report on Women, Business and the Law since 2016.

Selected Citations to Published Materials
  • Róisín Á Costello, The Impacts of AdTech on Privacy Rights and the Rule of Law, TechReg 10 (Apr. 14, 2020), available online.
  • Róisín Á Costello, International Criminal Law and the Role of Non-State Actors in Preserving Open Source Evidence, 7 Cambridge Int’l L.J. 268 (Dec. 1, 2018), paywall, doi.
  • Róisín Á Costello, The Right to be Forgotten in Cases Involving Criminal Convictions: NT1 & NT2 v Google and the Information Commissioner, EHRLR 267 (Aug. 2018), paywall.


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4 years 41 weeks