Profile of Invited Expert “Corn”

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Full Name
Geoffrey S. Corn, B.A, J.D., LLM. Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army (Retired)
George R. Killam, Jr. Chair of Criminal Law and Director of the Center for Military Law and Policy
Texas Tech University School of Law

Geoffrey S. Corn joined the Texas Tech faculty after a seventeen year tenure as a Professor of Law at South Texas College of Law Houston. Prior to joining academia in 2005, Professor Corn served in the U.S. Army for twenty-one years, retiring in the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 2004 and then serving the Army’s senior law of war advisor. His teaching and scholarship focus is the law of armed conflict, national security law, criminal law, and criminal procedure. His military career included service as tactical intelligence officer in Panama, supervisory defense counsel, Chief of International Law for U.S. Army Europe, Professor of International and National Security Law at the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s School, and Chief Prosecutor for the 101st Airborne Division. He earned his B.A. from Hartwick College, his J.D. with highest honors from George Washington University, and his LLM (Distinguished Graduate) from the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General’s School. He is also a distinguished military graduate of the U.S. Army Officer Candidate School, and a graduate of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. He has testified as an expert witness at the Military Commission in Guantanamo, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, and in federal court. He has authored more than sixty scholarly articles.

Selected Citations to Published Materials
  • Geoffrey S. Corn, Victor Hansen, Richard Jackson, M. Christopher Jenks, Eric Talbot Jensen & James A. Schoettler Eds., The Law of Armed Conflict: An Operational Perspective (2d ed. Sep. 14, 2018), paywall.
  • Geoffrey S. Corn, James A. Schoettler, Jr., Dru Brenner-Beck, Victor M. Hansen, Richard B. Jackson, Eric Talbot Jensen & Michael W. Lewis, The War on Terror and the Laws of War: A Military Perspective (2d ed. Jan. 13, 2015), paywall.
  • Geoffrey S. Corn, Jimmy Gurulé, Eric Jensen & Peter Marguilies, National Security Law and Policy: Principles and Policy (Mar. 10, 2015), paywall.
  • Geoffrey S. Corn, Rachel E. VanLandingham & Shane R. Reeves Eds., U.S. Military Operations: Law, Policy, and Practice (Dec. 3, 2015), paywall.
  • Geoffrey S. Corn, Jimmy Gurulé, Jeffrey D. Kahn & Gary Corn, National Security Law and the Constitution (2d ed. Sep. 15, 2020), paywall.
  • Geoffrey S. Corn, Ken Watkin & Jamie Williamson, Law in War: A Concise Overview (2d ed. Mar. 29, 2023), paywall


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