Profile of Invited Expert “Badar”

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Full Name
Mohamed Elewa Badar, LLB, LLM, PHD, FHEA
Professor of Comparative and International Criminal Law & Islamic Law
Northumbria University School of Law

Mohamed Elewa Badar is Professor of Comparative and ICL and Islamic Law at Northumbria University School of Law, Newcastle, UK. He is the Legal Consultant for Mr. Al Hassan's Defence Team, before the ICC; Regional Liaison Officer for the Middle East and North Africa, International Bar Association War Crimes Committee; Legal Consultant for UNODC Global Maritime Crimes Programme, the overall goal of which is enhancing law enforcement responses to transnational organized crime at sea throughout the criminal justice chain; Expert for EuroMed Justice Project IV (2017-2019) where he co-authored the Handbook on International Cooperation in Criminal Matters in the Southern Partner Countries (SPCs); Expert for EUROJUST (2021- May 2022) where he drafted, together with other experts, a Guidelines for Bilateral Agreement(s) on judicial cooperation in criminal matters between SPCs and EU member states. He participated in the UNITAD Capacity Building for Iraqi Judges where he delivered lectures on ICL and Islamic Law here and here. He previously served as Senior Prosecutor and Judge in Egypt (1997-2006), senior police investigator (1991-1997). He served as legal investigator for the Bahrain Independent Commission of Inquiry and participated in the judicial reform in Afghanistan (2004-2005) upon a request from late Prof. M. Cherif Bassiouni and Judge Hatem Fouad Aly, currently UNODC's representative for the Gulf Region.

Prof Badar is the author of The Concept of Mens Rea in International Criminal Law (Oxford: Hart, 2013/2015) and Islamist Militants and the Their Challenges to Sharia and ICL (forthcoming, 2023). He is the Co-Editor of the Arabic Commentary on the Law of the ICC (Lexsitus-CLICC commentary – to be available at by November 2022). He has published 55 articles and chapters extensively on issues related to ICL and Islamic law, and his work has been cited by international and national criminal courts. Prof Badar is member of the editorial board and reviewer for the International Criminal Law Review, the International Human Rights Law Review, the Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law and the International University of Sarajevo Law Journal and the founder of Northumbria Law School LLM in International Criminal Law & Practice to start in Sep. 2023.

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2 years 38 weeks