Profile of Invited Expert “Steinberg”

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Full Name
Professor Richard H. Steinberg
Jonathan D. Varat Endowed Professor of Law and Professor of Political Science
UCLA School of Law

Professor Richard H. Steinberg writes and teaches in the areas of international law and international relations, with a focus on international economic law, international criminal law, and human rights. He currently teaches International Trade Law, International Business Transactions, Contemporary Issues Facing the ICC, and Theories of International Law.

In addition to his UCLA appointment, Professor Steinberg is currently Research Fellow at Stanford’s WSD HANDA Center For Human Rights and International Justice, and Director of Trade Policy Research at the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE) at UC Berkeley.

Professor Steinberg is a Member of the Council on Foreign Relations, Counsellor to the American Society of International Law, Chair of the International Trade Law Committee of the American Branch of the International Law Association, and Editor-in-Chief of the award-winning ICC Forum. He served on the Board of Editors of the American Journal of International Law (2004–14) and on the Editorial Board of International Organization (2003–12). He has taught law courses on six continents including at Stanford Law School, the UC Berkeley (Boalt Hall) School of Law, Sciences Po (Instituts d’études politiques) in France, and the University of Coimbra in Portugal.

Professor Steinberg has written over fifty articles on international law. Recent books include: Contemporary Issues Facing the International Criminal Court (Brill/Nijhoff, 2016); Assessing the Legacy of the ICTY (Martinus Nijhoff, 2011; BCS translation, ICTY, 2011); International Institutions (co-edited) (SAGE, 2009); International Law and International Relations (co-edited) (Cambridge University Press, 2007); and The Evolution of the Trade Regime: Economics, Law, and Politics of the GATT/WTO (co-authored) (Princeton University Press, 2006; Chinese translation, Peking University Press, 2013).

Prior to arriving at UCLA, Professor Steinberg worked as Assistant General Counsel to the United States Trade Representative in Washington, D.C., and later as an associate with Morrison & Foerster in San Francisco. He also served as Project Director at BRIE, was a Ford Foundation Fellow at Harvard (1988–89) and a MacArthur Foundation Fellow at Stanford (1987–88). Professor Steinberg has a B.A. from Yale University (1982), a J.D. degree from Stanford University (1986), and a Ph.D. from Stanford University (1992). He has been a member of UCLA’s law faculty since 1996.

Selected Citations to Published Materials

International Law and International Relations (edited by Beth A. Simmons and Richard H. Steinberg, Cambridge University Press, 2007). 

The Evolution of the Trade Regime:  Politics, Law, and Economics of the GATT/WTO (with John Barton, Judy Goldstein, and Timothy Josling, Princeton University Press, 2006).

The Greening of Trade Law:  International Trade Organizations and Environmental Issues (edited by Richard H. Steinberg, Boulder:  Rowman & Littlefield, 2002).

Partners or Competitors? The Prospects for U.S.-EU Cooperation on Asian Trade (edited by Richard H. Steinberg and Bruce Stokes, Boulder:  Rowman & Littlefield, 1999).

Regulatory Shift: The Rise of Judicial Liberalization at the WTO (with Judith Goldstein), in The Politics of Global Regulation (edited by Walter Mattli and Ngaire Woods, Princeton University Press, forthcoming, 2009).

Negotiate or Litigate? Effects of WTO Judicial Delegation on U.S. Trade Politics (with Judith Goldstein), 71 Law & Contemporary Problems  257 (2008).

Power and Cooperation in International Environmental Law, in Research Handbook in International Economic Law (edited by Andrew T. Guzman and Alan O. Sykes, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2007).

The Transformation of European Trading States, in The State After Statism: New State Activities in the Age of Liberalization (edited by Jonah D. Levy, ed., Harvard University Press, 2006).

Power and International Law (with Jonathan M. Zasloff), 100 American Journal of International Law 64-87 (2006).

The Independence of International Courts? A Map of the Issues, 99 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting-American Society of International Law 129-30 (2006).

United States - Subsidies on Upland Cotton, 99 American Journal of International Law 852-61 (2005).

Who is Sovereign?, 40 Stanford Journal of International Law 329-45 (2004).


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