Comments by Cecilia

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prevention issue

Argument The International Criminal Court should actively employ positive complementarity and defer to non-prosecutorial methods when appropriate in preventing crime....
13 years 17 weeks

oversight issue

The Independent Oversight Mechanism will consume the resources of the International Criminal Court and will adversely affect the court’s ability to perform its functions...
13 years 38 weeks

darfur issue

Ivory Coast lodged a declaration with the Registrar accepting the exercise of jurisdiction by the ICC on October 1, 2003 with respect to alleged crimes committed "from" September 19, 2002....
13 years 41 weeks

darfur issue

Although Ivory Coast is not a state party to the Rome Statute, the ICC may establish its jurisdiction to investigate the alleged human rights violation that occurred after the 2010...
13 years 50 weeks

darfur issue

I. Introduction Contracting parties to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (...
14 years 1 week

gaza issue

The functional approach espoused by Professor Cherif Bassiouni can severely undermine the ICC’s role in prosecuting war criminals. Although the ICC’s objective may be to end impunity, it simply...
14 years 15 weeks

gaza issue

Article 66 of the Rome Statute provides that all persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I agree to a certain extent that the ICC should refrain from ruling...
14 years 19 weeks

gaza issue

The Prosecutor of the ICC does not have jurisdictional authority to initiate an investigation into the alleged crimes committed in the 2008-2009 Gaza Conflict. In order to systematically analyze the...
14 years 22 weeks